Engaging 'China': Perspectives from the Margins
Day One
Wednesday January 10th
Ashmolean Museum China Collection Guided Tour
(For speakers and moderators)
Mok Common Room
Introductory remarks
Lecture Theatre
13:15 – 14:30
Keynote Speech
Peter K. Bol
14:30 – 14:45
Short break
14:45 – 16:30
Parallel Panel Session A
Panel 1: Visualising Landscapes
Lucina Ho Room​
Panel 2: The China Dream
Lecture Theatre​
16:30 – 17:00
Mok Common Room
17:00 – 18:45
Parallel Panel Session B
Panel 3: People without Histories
Lucina Ho Room
Panel 4: Border-crossing Subjectivities
Lecture Theatre
Dinner Reception (For speakers and moderators)
Royal Oak, 42-44 Woodstock Rd.
Informal drinks (All welcome)
The Victoria Pub, 90 Walton St.
Day Two
Thursday January 11th
Registration and coffee
Mok Common Room
09:30 – 10:45
Keynote Speech
Henrietta Harrison
10:45 – 11:15
Short Break
11:15 – 12:45
Parallel Panel Session C
Panel 5: Collecting and Curating China
Lucina Ho Room​
Panel 6: Producing Knowledge
Lecture Theatre
12:45 – 14:00
Mok Common Room
14:00 – 15:45
Parallel Panel Session D
Panel 7: Making a 'Chinese' Civilisation
Lucina Ho Room​
Panel 8: Performing China
Lecture Theatre
15:45 – 16:30
Closing remarks
Lecture Theatre
*This schedule is not complete and subject to change